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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Whispering at night...

Sometimes the things one feel, the emotions one feel should just stay inside. Once got out, it loses its value, loses its impact. Once, it is fed to some foreign ears, it makes the sharer vulnerable or a desperate seeker of sympathy. So the deepest emotion should stay into the inner layer of mind, carefully wrapped up with the mask of happiness. Sharing just becomes a deliberate act to make a fool of yourself, when done with the wrong kind of mind. And it is difficult, extremely difficult, to find the right kind of mind, who has the ability, desire and last but not the least patience to understand the inner turmoil. So it seems logical to put all those sensitive feelings and delicate emotions in a box and save those from the whole outer world, because it is better to be suppressed than feeling being humiliated. Smart thing to do I think. Well, it will trouble the mind, it will bring some “tossing and turning” during the night sleep but at least, it won’t bring the shame or humiliation.